
Asian hornet Vespa velutina (photo taken from the BBC website)

Well, she has finally gone. Suella, the Asian hornet, has been unceremoniously squashed and evicted from her throne as Home Secretary. She inspired hate everywhere she flew. Her ability to spread discord was truly remarkable, as if she had a personal vendetta against harmony, whether it was immigration, law enforcement, or lifestyle. Her droning had a way of making insects feel like they were caught in a spider’s web, unable to escape her stinging rhetoric. Her tenure was like a never-ending summer of discontent, marked by controversy and her incessant buzzing as a right-winged provocateur. And let’s not forget, she is also guilty of the mass murder of honey bees.

Suella had a talent for poisoning the reputation of everything she touched. Migrant moths, who fluttered over the Channel to escape the changing climate, were treated like pests; homeless bees, merely pursuing a cleptoparasitic lifestyle, were shamelessly portrayed as freeloaders; insects who needed to metamorphose were vilified and described as ‘woke’; and all the creatures who gathered en masse to protest against insecticide use were classified as hate marchers.

Beewolf Philanthus triangulum with honey bee

But the right-winged drama hasn’t gone away. The ‘patriotic’ Tory beewolves, ironically immigrants themselves, are slowly establishing themselves in the country, digging their nests in amongst the democratic mining bee neighbourhoods and also quietly wiping out the local honey bee population. And the honey bees, who are already swarming with anxiety over the new King bees’ grand plan to trim down the monarchy and have fewer hives, are nervously buzzing about extinction. Suella might have been squashed for this year, but the threat is still there…

At least the dragonflies can celebrate as they wave good riddance to the sewage spiller Thérèse Coffey.

Information about Asian hornets here.